By Tina Maini
I was a CHML listener for over 40 years, when broadcasters Paul Hanover, Bob Hooper, Jeff Story and Bill Sturrup, for example, reported the news. It was the early days of listening to Bob Bratina and Shiona Thompson on the morning wake up show, the John Hardy Show and the Roy Green show too. Bill Kelly was in the pm with the drive home show, later hosting The Bill Kelly Show as seasoned Rick Zamperin woke us with a jam-packed schedule of happenings and Paul Tidball, Shiona Thompson and Dave Woodard were at the helm reporting the news with weather specialist Jay McQueen keeping an eye out for storms (as he called them). I listened to The Scott Thompson and The Scott Radley shows. Saturdays included financial advice with Don Fox, while Rob Golfi discussed real estate.
But CHML was so much more. It was about Paul Reeves’ Christmas, and Miracle on 31St. It was about live events like Remembrance Day, The Christmas Tree of Hope (lighting) campaign, the media briefings with the Premier during covid, and the 2003 black out (I’ll never forget) as Jeff Storey opened up the phone lines asking callers how they were coping, while I listened on my transistor radio. And, CHML was about Tiger Cats football with the 5th quarter hosted by RIck Zamperin. But more importantly, CHML was outstanding in providing news not only locally but also globally, keeping us thoroughly updated. I will sorely miss CHML; it was a part of our community for 95 years and was a friend and like family to many of us. Current, innovative and forward thinking, CHML was truly the station to beat. Thanks for the memories.