Submitted by Bob Wood

Our Clinic provides representation and summary advice in regards to all aspects of a Workers’ Compensation Appeal.

The clinic also supports the Hamilton and District Injured Workers’ Group (HDIWG) Injured Worker Speaker Schools.

These schools are designed to motivate, engage and build the confidence of the participants. The students, all injured workers, develop better public speaking skills in an atmosphere of peer support and mutual aid.

The schools teach skills on speaking out moving students “from venting to convincing.” 

Students are better able to understand the history of the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB), now called Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), and the importance of it today.  They learn how:

  • Principles developed by Sir William Meredith created the WCB in 1915.
  • The WCB name changed and “workers” became “workplace” and “compensation” became “insurance” during the Mike Harris era.

On June 1st every year, injured workers and in cities across the province to mark Injured Workers’ Day

This year one of the Toronto presenters was recent Speaker School grad Marvin Mulder.

Hamilton‘s Mulder suffered a crippling spinal injury and depression as a result of a workplace injury.

Standing in front of the Ministry of Labour offices on University Avenue, Mulder described an internal conflict resulting from harmful government policy decisions from the last thirty years.

How do I feel about the government but, more importantly how does my government feel about me”? Are we only a place of integrity and honourable standards when the mood suits us”? A fair and impartial system is all we ask for – nothing less and nothing more.”

If you have applied for Workers’ Compensation benefits and have been turned down or if you have received Workers’ Compensation benefits, but have been cut-off, the Clinic can assist in appealing this decision and building your case. We can also answer questions regarding eligibility for benefits, amount of assistance and benefits available for injured workers recipients.

A Good News Update

In an earlier edition of edition of North End Breezes we reported on a new social justice initiative.

The initiative kicked off as a celebration of African Canadian heritage at the Central Library in February.

One of the outcomes of that event is that the Clinic has hired a Bilingual Black/African Justice Coordinator.  The Co-ordinator will be charged with improving access to justice and outreaching to this marginalized community.

The Coordinator starts work in November. She’ll provide public legal education and community development work in Hamilton’s African-Canadian community including the Francophone and newcomer Black community.  This position is funded by Legal Aid Ontario.

Bob Wood is a Community Worker at the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic.