By Michelle Ferrara
Women in their 90’s are the fastest growing segment of the population-this means that adult kids in their 60’s and 70’s are dealing with a ‘new’ Mom-not the Mom of your youth. Patience, kindness, not saying things that will hurt and providing a good example to your own children, is the best gift you can give. Realize-no matter the circumstances-she did the best she could-now is the time to forgive whatever happened, and love her today.
We are so busy growing up and getting on with our own lives, that we forget she is growing old. Mom will always love you no matter how old you are, and home is wherever Mom is, no matter your age or hers. Growing older ourselves helps us to not take Mom for granted-to make time for her, listen to her, help her-she won’t always be a quick phone call away…she may not always know who you are.
She taught you to walk-now offer her your hand. She taught you to eat-now you may feed her. She taught you to get dressed-now you help her with her sweater. She taught you to comb your hair and wash your face and hands-now you comb her hair, wash her face and hands. She taught you to say please and thank you-don’t lose patience when she forgets to say those words.
Let her know how much you love her while you still can-this Mother’s Day would be a great time! xo