Firstly, to the families and communities across our district: thank you. Thank you for your patience, your understanding and your help in flattening the COVID-19 curve. Adjusting to this new norm hasn’t been easy for any of us.

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) recognizes what you are going through.

We’ve been working hard so that your children stay connected with their teachers, as well as with important school supports.

Our educators are developing distance learning programs and, in recent weeks, HWDSB has provided thousands of digital devices to students that needed them. This was a huge team effort, as teaching staff and principals entered schools to retrieve devices students needed for learning.

By now, all families should have connected with their teacher(s) or school. Let us know if this is not the case and if you need supports not found on the HWDSB website. We will find a way to connect you quickly. It may not be perfect, but I’m sure you will appreciate the unique circumstances we are in. For parents and guardians, the HWDSB website at has many online resources, from the latest Ministry of Education updates to community supports for families.

Adjusting to the school closure due to the pandemic has been a fast and furious process. This work required a ton of co-operation within HWDSB and with our valued community partners. Partners have stepped up to help, whether it involves food supports, financial aid, mental health supports or many other areas. Thank you!

We do not know how long this closure will continue. But we do know that your child’s teachers, support staff and principals are missing their students as much as your children are missing these caring adults in our schools

Speaking of which; a shout out to HWDSB staff! Whether in public view or behind the scenes, they have been diligently working to support learning and well-being for students and families during these unprecedented times.

Together, we can get through this challenge and return to a balanced life.