By Jocelyn Weatherbe
Like many others, I am looking at where I want to live in the “retired” stage of my life. I currently own a house with a rental unit that helps pay the mortgage. But I’m tired of living alone and I’m tired of being a landlord and solely responsible for everything.
Where do I want to be? Living in a co-housing situation, an increasingly popular idea, seems to be the ideal solution. You are among friends some old and some new, you will eat better and laugh more. One friend said “You just want to get back to the hippie commune days.” LOL She may be right!
In a nutshell cohousing is a way of living focused on a genuine sense of community using shared spaces and facilities to create a more affordable and fulfilling lifestyle. There are benefits to your emotional, psychological and physical health. Cohousing residents are able to socialize and exist as a community while maintaining their privacy.
There are many models from a private room in a bigger household to entirely private apartments in a building with a large communal space including a kitchen, hanging around room and in my case definitely a garden. But mainly it is a way to creatively age, maintaining our own personal vitality and independence. Love where you live!
We are getting the conversation started in Hamilton. We are planning a brief intro then several short presentations on various aspects of cohousing then a Q&A session. There wil be time to enjoy light refreshments and socialize.
Introduction to CoHousing
September 13th, 2017
At the Evergreen Community Storefront
294 James St. N., Hamilton ON
Please join us on Yahoo Meetup at Hamilton Cohousing Meetup
and on Facebook at CoHoHo-CoHousing Hamilton Ontario
The FB page has a file with links and many posts from various cohousing communities