“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the most beautiful words in the English language.” – Henry James


Please see the following updates to the Welcome Inn Community Centres Programs.


We are here to help!

Please call the Seniors Support line if you are in need of food hamper deliveries or would like to be matched with a volunteer who would love to call you on a regular basis for a friendly chat.

Seniors Support Line:  289-260-3771


We are looking for volunteers who would like to connect with neighbourhood seniors, by phoning them on a regular basis.  These phone calls are a meaningful way to help seniors cope with the isolation they are facing during the pandemic.

If interested in volunteering, please call our Seniors Support Line:  289-260-3771, to get the conversation started.

Food Bank

Welcome Inn’s spring food bank hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10:30 AM – 2:00 PM.

Drop-in or book an appointment in advance by calling 905-525-5824 to avoid waiting in line. All are welcome.

**Donations are graciously accepted during Food Bank Hours. We are in need of toilet paper, body wash, shampoo, dish soap, Boost/Ensure and laundry pods, as well as any dried or canned foods that are within date.**

Community Programing

We are looking for an Arabic/English speaking individuals who can help interpret for community members. We are looking for a 2 hours/week commitment.

If you would like more details please contact Krista at 905-516-0480 or email her at krista@welcomeinn.ca .

New Horizons Thrift Store

The Welcome Inn is looking forward to the grand reopening of New Horizons Thrift Store.

Our goal is to reopen the store in the coming year, adding more community space and a lovely café.

The store has been packed up and we are just waiting to re-open the store in a new location. We are currently not able to take donations until we obtain our new location.

Welcome Inn Day Camp

Hybrid Day Camp: A little online, a little in person, A LOT OF FUN!!! Please email Gladys at gladys@welcominn.ca  to see if any Eco-Adventure summer day camp spots are still available. $20/camper per week.

Camp runs for 4 weeks in July ONLY for campers ages 5-10 years old.

Week 1: July 5-9 FULL!

-Week 2: July 12-16

-Week 3: July 19-23

-Week 4: July 26-30


COVID-19 has caused a great deal of changes across the globe. Here at Welcome Inn, we’ve been working hard to keep our community connected. As pandemic-restrictions begin to lift, we need your help to keep up our efforts.

We can’t wait to reconnect, together.

Donate now at www.welcomeinn.ca/donate