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The North End Breezes is a Volunteer based Non-Profit Community Newspaper in Hamilton Ontario

Adopt the Breezes with your Donation!

Dayna, North End Resident and Reader

“I look forward to the always-prompt delivery of the next edition to my mailbox, and to receiving the email alerting me to its availability! I so appreciate that there remains a local community paper at a time when so many others have ceased publication. It’s been a great introduction to the North End!”


“I love the setup of North End Breezes. What an exciting newspaper!  It is creative, informative and dynamic with real life stories that others can relate.  If only it went further than Ward 2.  Imagine all who would read it.  Thanks again”


Marie Mushing, People In Connection

“As an advertiser with the NEB, I am pleased to be supporting and involved with this community newspaper. In the past 10 months my ad has generated new clients and I am very pleased that people are using local business owners.”

Kristina Santone

“Being a part of the North End Breezes board for the past two years has been a privilege. The team does amazing work within the community and serves as a resource hub for all. They are committed, and most importantly, passionate about preserving the North End’s legacy, while also continuing to foster its growth. Whether you are new to the area, or a longtime resident, I encourage you to volunteer with the Breezes in some capacity if you’re able. This team is small but mighty and they are always looking for more support. I’m grateful for the relationships and community I’ve been able to build while serving on the board.
I’ll be joining Welcome Inn as the Executive Director and look forward to taking on a new role in the North End Community while staying connected to The Breezes. “

Walkabout with Ken Hirter

Walkabout by Ken Hirter

The Flight of the Bumblebee

The Flight of the Bumblebee

By Ken Hirter The Humble Bee based in east Hamilton proudly presented their 5th Annual Winter Solstice and Bee Ball on Saturday December 21st. It was an enjoyable evening seeing people dancing into the night and having fun. What a great way to kick start the Winter...

Walkabout Among the Mums

Walkabout Among the Mums

By Ken Hirter When we think of Fall, we have cherished memories of Autumn Festivals and events. In Hamilton we have the annual Fall Garden & Mum Show at Gage Park. This beautiful showcase has been delighting young and old since 1920 - 104 years! The event is held...

Walkabout Your Memories

Walkabout Your Memories

By Ken Hirter Did you know that the month of June is Seniors Month? It is a celebration of family and friends coming together on June the 11th to celebrate our seniors everywhere.   This year’s event for the Senior Diners Club at the Welcome Inn was where we all...

Walkabout by the Waterfront

Walkabout by the Waterfront

Submitted by Ken Hirter Those April showers will bring May flowers. Winter hibernation is finally over, so say Hello to Spring. Go outside, put on your walking shoes and take your walker, wheelchair, bike, bus or car over to Discovery Lane at Pier 8 . See the...