This month’s Walkabout finds me visiting my good friend Pam Winter whom many readers know here for her monthly column the ELDERBERRIES in North End Breeze’s at her new home at Dundurn Place. Pam enjoys our visits and is always entertaining.
The day of my Walkabout I was also my searching for the display model for the Tiny Home design in the area. This has been a general interest topic for myself and a unique way to build on a budget from homelessness to assist with a growing baby boomer generation as most of us are becoming senior’s in the next decade or so.
Here in Hamilton, City Council planning committee voted last month and the Tiny Home Movement comes to Hamilton. The home designs are to be no larger than 425 square feet (about the size of 3 parking spaces) and destined to be located in Hamilton’s lower escarpment.
I have seen throughout my years living here the plight of the homeless and the Senior Housing crisis. Could “tiny homes” be an answer? “No one should have to call a stone a pillow and the dirt ground floor a bed”. There are alternatives.
It’s great to be housing the homeless and I believe that Senior’s homelessness is also on the rise sadly. Many may lose their homes through downsizing and need to leave behind many lost mementos and cherished memories too.
Following the Tiny Home Movement moves from beyond the scope of how to build efficient housing. It was pointed out to me this week from someone in the community that a few of these tiny home’s have been built here in the North End of Hamilton.
Question: Do you think Hamilton and surrounding areas should move beyond and not just build for the homeless? Remember circumstances beyond some people’s or persons control find them losing their homes for a variety of reasons.
In closing, I am happy to see this tiny home movement has arrived here in Hamilton. Building a new foundation and homes to those in dire consequences/straits. Taking it in tiny steps and climbing to the next level. Wouldn’t this put Hamilton on the map as a fast moving forward progressive city? If you are on Facebook and are interested in Tiny Homes go to Tiny Homes Canada…….
Until next time, take care of yourself and those around you – Ken