Ken Hirter

This September finds me once again at the Welcome Inn Food Bank – first featured in March of 2019. It is where l sat down and spoke to the delightful and engaging Barb Brow a North Ender through and through and Food Bank Manager. Barb started as a volunteer with double duties with the New Horizons Thrift Store and the Food Bank since 2018. Barb has been Food Bank Manager starting in September of 2021.

I asked Barb that since my last visit in 2019 that the usage of the Food Bank has increased in volume significantly in 2022. Barb says the reasons for the increase include Inflation and the rising cost of living including food and shelter.

Today the foodbanks in Hamilton are seeing a shortage of stock while demand across the board is at an all time high.

In closing l asked Barb her favorite Motto:  “Wherever you are be all there” and Quote: ” You don’t have to be extreme just be consistent”.  “Life can only be understood backwards but you must live forward” a slogan she says to her 4 children daily.

Barb gives thanks to all in the community, from her team of wonderful volunteers and her friends, family and neighbors that care and share. It takes a village to build a community. 

The Welcome Inn Food Bank, ” Working toward justice for all, recognizing that access to nutritious food is a basic right and a great social connection” is located on 40 Wood Street. 

Hours of Operation. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Drop in or call between 10.30 – 2.00 at (905) 525 – 5824.

I would like to thank Barb & her team next month look for Part 2 of the Walkabout of the Welcome Inn Community Foodbank.

Support the local Foodbanks in your Community.

Till next month.