By Ken Hirter
This month’s Walkabout continues with Part 2 of the REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT at the North Hamilton Community Health Center.
Under the umbrella and as part of the Rehabilitation team is the Kinesiologist.
“Kinesiology is the Science of human movement applying the latest evidence based research to improve function, Health and Wellness with people living with chronic illnesses.
This is Aleks Skakavac, Registered Kinesiologies and Diabetes Educator: Team member since 2009.
Miss Skakavac is both PROUD & PRIVILEGED to be working here at the N.H.C.H.C. offering the following care:
- Diabetes Exercise Programme
- Cardic REHABILITATION in partnership with the Hamilton General and Health promotion.
Questions I asked Alek pertaining to her job was about PRIDE & EMPATHY.
PRIDE: Pride of the N.H.C.H.C and all the great work that we do collectively as a centre.
EMPATHY: Great empathy fosters a great relationship with health care.
I asked Aleks a quote that resonates within herself:”People will forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel” ~Mya Angelou~
This is Tessa Phillip, Registered Kinesiologist: Team member since 2015
Caring for the C.O.P.D. Group..
The programme is a 10 week once a week on Education & Exercise. The programme service 250 new people per year.
“Our program goal is to help people to better Self Manage to reduce Hospital & E.R. visits”
“Those who successfully graduate have an opportunity to become a Take A Breathe (T.A.B) ensemble singing team.
I asked Tessa “What drives you with your role?”
“Clients and progression that they make, teaching to improve their quality of life”
I asked Tessa what is her Motto in life: “Life is not about the destination but the journey”
In closing we have Gloria Russell, Office Support within the rehabilitation department: Team member. 2010.
I asked Gloria “What is your drive within yourself pertaining to your job?”
“Helping clients who are coming to their appointments and seeing them happy every day.”
Gloria’s motto in life: “Get up every morning with a smile on your face and take life One Day at a Time.”
Gloria: Miss Sunshine Award winner at the N.H.C.H.C.
I would like to thank Eric, Miriam, Aleks, Tessa and Gloria for your time and to the whole Rehabilitation Department at the North Hamilton Community Health Center you are simply the BEST!
Ken Hirter: Client: August 2012.
“Till next month, take care of you and those around you.”