by Ken Hirter
This month’s walkabout finds me on James Street North once again with the annual Super Crawl which is coming to Hamilton on September 08th -10th 2017.
Before I write about Super Crawl I like to introduce Tracee Lee-Holloway who will be writing the entertainment piece for the New North End Breezes with Follow Tracee. I affectionately call her the Art Crawl Ambassador.
Tracee Lee-Holloway is an arts advocate and creative community builder here in Hamilton. A 2015 Hamilton’s Arts nominee for Arts innovations. A fervent supporter of the grassroots arts and music scene, her main agenda is helping and supporting others build momentum to get to the next level. When not sleeping she can be found every month documenting Artcrawl and every day on all the usual social media channels. Keep up ALL the Good tireless work that you do.
Welcome aboard Tracee.
A brief history of Super Crawl:
Originally start in 2001 with a small group of local artists whose vision was to bring and expand the Art scene here in Hamilton. Vision was “Art is the New Steel”
A driven team of community builders founded Super Crawl in 2009 (previously known as Super Art Crawl) out of a desire to expand on the promise of the James Street North Monthly Art Crawl. As of 2016 Supercrawl has expanded the festival physical footprint (covering 16 City Blocks) Attendance to the festival was 165,000+ (2014)
Some highlights to expect and too numerous to list all. What to see as you venture to James Street North and neighbouring streets. * Please note James Street North will be closed during this 3 day festival. Here is a list of just a few of many events taking place during this festival.
All galleries, restaurants and shops are open. All various vendors from Art, craftmakers, photography sell their wares under tents and some on the streets. As for music they’ll be 3 center stages and many musician’s just playing on the streets. There is a kids free zone with face painting and many activities for the little one’s. It would not be a festival without food trucks offering an array of diverse and many variations of ethic dishes.
For more information on Super Crawl please go to
So mark your calendar for this wonderful event festival happening here in wonderful Hamilton. Hopefully I will see some of you during the festival as I too will be selling my wares as well.
Till next month, take care of you and those around you.
Cheers! Ken