By Ken Hirter

This month’s Walkabout finds me at the 2017 Senior’s Kickoff and Wellness Fair. The city of Hamilton with the Older Adult Network will carry on the tradition of bringing active senior’s together by hosting the 2017 Senior Month Kickoff which is annual event.

Date: Monday May 29th 2017

Time: 10am to 2pm

Location: Sarcoa Restruant

57 Discovery Drive

Hamilton, Ontario.

This event will consist of displays from the Hamilton Police Department Senior’s Support Office Crimes Against Senior’s Unit protecting our most vulnerable our Senior’s. This is of one of many displays from safety and social services information, seminars, demonstrations and live entertainment. A light breakfast with coffee and tea is provided during this wonderful informative event.

To get your Senior’s Month Calendar of events throughout Hamilton during the​ month or to get involved you can download on the Hamilton Council on Aging (HCoA)

I first took in this event 4 years ago with being a volunteer with the wonderful Welcome Inn Community Center’s Diner’s Club est.1966 and with my involvement with the North Hamilton Community Health Center (NHCHC) with their Wellness Programs & Rehabilitation Programs.

With being of the baby boomer generation I thought it is never to early to educate and see what is out there.

This event will answer many questions and concerns of seniors from:

  • homecare
  • primary healthcare
  • retirement homes
  • senior housing

and much much more……

With weather permitting there are fitness demonstrations with live entertainment outside set in a beautiful patio setting down by beautiful Pier 4 in the settings which reminds me of being in the Muskoka’s if only for the day.

If you missed this day event this year remember save the date for next year you will not be disappointed.

Remember Seniors Month runs throughout the month of June…..

Till next month’s Walkabout take care of our Senior’s, yourself and those around you.
