By Councillor Farr
Hello, Breezes readers and special thanks to the new management at the North End Breezes for the opportunity to share with you two recent motions that appeared before Council. They relate to the future low density residential property (as per your Ontario Municipal Board ((OMB)) approved Setting Sail; Secondary Plan) at Bay Street and Strachan Street and a public meeting respecting Eastwood Arena/Park requesting your thoughts on the potential for the north west portion of Eastwood Park.
The first motion seeks to put into action the secondary plan plan for low density residential development at Bay and Strachan. Approved at the Ontario Municipal Board approximately five years ago.
As this motion clearly points out, proceeds from the sale will go toward North End residential street rehabilitation. The community garden club that has plantings, benches etc currently in place at this former lot aquired for a perimeter road many moons ago may work with staff (if they choose) to relocate across Bay Street at Bayfront Park. The housing mix will seek to accommodate family relocation needs for when the transformation begins respecting the Jamesville City Housing Hamilton site: from the current housing complex to one square block of mixed income housing.
NOTICE of Motion
38 Strachan Street West/ 344 Bay Street North
February 28, 2017
Whereas the Official Plan of the former City of Hamilton Official Plan designates the subject land “Residential”;
Whereas Setting Sail: Secondary Plan for the West Harbour, approved by Council, designates the subject land as “Low Density Residential”;
Whereas Setting Sail: Secondary Plan for the West Harbour was appealed to the Ontario Municipal none of the appeals focused on the subject land;
Whereas the Official Plan of the former City of Hamilton Official Plan and the Setting Sail: Secondary Plan for the West Harbour contemplate residential land use;
Whereas Zoning By-law O5-200 zones the subject land “Neighbourhood Park (P1) Zone” to recognize the existing Parkette;
Whereas; Future redevelopment of nearby City Housing Hamilton (CHH) property may include the need for temporary relocation of current tenants; many of whom have shared via a CHH survey that they wish to remain in the North End neighbourhood during redevelopment.
Whereas; prior to the disposition of city owned land municipally known as 38 Strachan Street West and 344 Bay Street North, in the City of Hamilton, the lands must be declared surplus to the needs of the City of Hamilton in accordance with the City’s Procedural By-law for the Sale of Lands, being By-law No. 04-299;
Whereas; currently, a community garden exists on subject lands.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Hamilton enacts as follows:
a) That the lands municipally known as 38 Strachan Street West and 344 Bay Street North, in the City of Hamilton be declared surplus to the requirements of the City of Hamilton in accordance with the “Procedural By-law for the Sale of Land”, being By-law No. 04-299;
b) That the Development Planning Section of the Planning Division of the Planning and Economic Development Department be authorized and directed to initiate a site specific zoning amendment for those lands municipally known as 38 Strachan Street West and 344 Bay Street North, in the City of Hamilton for residential purposes.
c) That a formula be devised between Real Estate staff and a successful proponent that contemplates a number of units in the completed development to be temporally occupied by CHH tenants in order to address community needs respecting temporary relocation and until such time that they may return to their nearby redeveloped property.
d) That the manager of the Neighbourhood Action Strategy be requested to meet with representatives of the community garden and assist with, and in conjunction with any other City of Hamilton staff as needed, the relocation of the community garden to an area of similar size at the entrance of Bayfront Park to the west.
e) That any proceeds after Legal and Real Estate fees from the sale of 38 Strachan West and 344 Bay Street North be allocated toward road and side-walk rehabilitation in the North End neighbourhood.
This second motion simply seeks public input at a future meeting to be held at Eastwood Arena. We will review current needs not only for our one and only indoor rink in ward 2, but also ask you if you are interested in pursuing a possible development that also accomplishes a parkade (for the growing Peir area) on an under-utilised ball field and some residential development. Note, this is not an OMB approved plan, nor is it part of any current development plan. This is an engagement session only.
Simply put, Eastwood Arena must undergo major renovations in the next few years as per both new Federal regulations and our Recreation Facility plans. In addition and as per our North End Traffic Management Plan, we seek to keep new traffic from pier development off our exisiting residential streets for future and a parkade placed on the north west corner of the park may encourage travel off Burlington Street and north along Ferguson. We may also acheive some “age in place” affordable residential development in the mix that may include temporary relocation units as we proceed with City Housing Hamilton fixes. This is all up for discussion with this motion.
Note one of the “whereas” offers an approximation of 152,500 sq ft of exciting NEW park land coming soon to the North End with the Pier 8 development. Therefore, a net gain of park land is intended as we proceed to talk about various possibilities.
Eastwood Precinct
February 28, 2017
Whereas; needed upgrades at Eastwood Arena are estimated at an approximate cost of $ 3.0 million dollars (design and construction) and a major renovation of the facility is estimated to be approximately 6.5 – 7.0 million dollars (design and construction)
Whereas; Future redevelopment of nearby City Housing Hamilton (CHH) property may include the need for temporary relocation of current tenants; many of whom have shared via a CHH survey that they wish to remain in the North End neighbourhood during redevelopment.
Whereas; Future development on Peir 8 lands may consist of approximately 1500 residential units and parking is desired in the form of parkade verses surface parking. In addition, preventing neighbourhood cut-through traffic resulting from new waterfront development is the basis of the North End Traffic Management Plan.
Whereas; utilization of two small ball diamonds at Eastwood Park (to the north west of the arena) is very low with use only on Tuesdays throughout the summer and two community events bookings for 2017
Whereas; the Pier 8 development draft plan includes a 30m wide promendade park along the perimeter (pier) equating to a net gain of new North End parkland adjacent to Eastwood Arena and Park of approximately 152,500 sq. ft.
Therefore be it Resolved; The appropriate staff from Planning and Economic Development be requested to engage with the ward 2 councillor and North End community on what potential may exist that would provide for needed upgrades at Eastwood Arena by contemplating a development partnership that may include the creation of new housing opportunities and a public parkade on the north-westerly portion of Eastwood Park and Arena.