The North End Neighbours (NEN) was created 10 years ago. At the Annual General Meeting of 2016, held on November 9, we recommended, and a motion was put forward that a review of NEN’s vision statement, “motto” (Child and Family Friendly), policies, and organizational structure be conducted by the incoming board of directors. The intent is that the review be completed quickly, and include at least one community meeting as part of the review. Recommendations would then be presented to the membership at a General Members Meeting no later than March 2017.
All residents are able to be members of NEN, no fee. So, please be thinking – how can the Neighbourhood Association improve and meet the needs of all residents? What do you want in a “neighbourhood association”? Please email your thoughts to the account below and come to the Community Meeting when it is organized.
Grain dust emissions from Parrish and Heimbecker are a continuing concern. Dust from ships loading and unloading is causing concern in certain areas. If you have an experience you would like to share, want to file a report, or have questions, please contact us at the account below.
If you subscribe to the NEN mailing list, keep your eye on the “spam” inbox because we have been told some residents are not getting the emails! We are using “mailchimp” to send out information and meeting dates and sometimes it is automatically put into “spam” until you tell it not to! To subscribe, just fill out the “mail list” form on the webpage:
“PLEASE MIND YOUR SPEED” lawn signs are available. We are hoping to get them installed around the neighbourhood, in high traffic areas, such as Ferguson Street, John Street, MacNab or anywhere you think they are needed. These signs were voted on at an AGM.
About North End Neighbourhood Association:
Membership is FREE for residents. Just email or phone to let us know if you wish to be a member and so you will be on our email list for updates and notifications of meetings and events.
NEN is the Neighbourhood Association for the North End. Its mission is to advance the social, physical, and cultural interests of the residents of our community, through the identification and research of issues affecting our community, the education of residents and the promotion of their active involvement in the democratic process to ensure that the interests of our community are protected as a Child and Family-Friendly community. NEN works to achieve its goals by providing a forum for residents for the discussion of all matters of community interest, and developing and fostering a positive community spirit.
Contact Information:
Phone: Sheri – 905 527 1697
Facebook: North End Neighbours
Twitter: @nenhamilton