Join us at a Garden Day and Native Plant Giveaway
Saturday, October 19⋅10:30am – 12:00pm
Rain Date: Saturday, October 26⋅10:30am – 12:00pm
Meet Green Venture staff who can tell you which plants would do well in your space and learn about the different programs to help you live a greener life. Drop in for some plants and family-friendly activities. Registration link coming soon! Watch social media at The North End Breezes.
Green Venture, along with St. Lawrence Parish and North End Breezes will be installing a demonstration pollinator garden at St. Lawrence Parish. This will add community greenspaces at a time when climate change is causing increased flooding, extreme heat and poor air and water quality, which are disproportionately negatively affecting the most vulnerable in our community. This garden will improve water and air quality by reducing stormwater runoff and filtering pollutants, increase biodiversity by planting native pollinator species and add shade and community gathering spaces.
Green Venture will have experts on-site demonstrating how native plants can be adopted more broadly by community members, businesses and on private property. We welcome residents to ask their gardening questions.