We are pleased to welcome Brenda Duke as our new Coordinator to the team at North End Breezes.
Brenda was one of the original members who formed the Gibson and Landsdale Area (GALA) Community Planning Team just next door to us. She helped start their community newspaper, The Herald, in the early days. Through her dedication, the paper became financially sustainable within a year. During the start-up, Brenda took on roles in editing, publishing and ad sales, always with the goal of making it a community paper for the community.
Currently the Joint Chair of the GALA Community Planning Team, she is passionate about green spaces/parks, gardens and Beautiful Alleys.
She brings first hand perspectives about community, resident engagement and how to make things work. She believes in looking at what is needed, what would be involved and how to set goals to see it through.
“Building capacity and assisting others to expand their ideas, skills and resources so they are able to carry out their roles effectively is important to build sustainability.”
Brenda is excited to share her ideas with our established team and hopes to connect with each of you to hear your ideas and learn about what makes the North End special to so many.
NEW EMAIL for the BREEZES office@northendbreezes.com
We’ll officially launch in January, but you can check us out at www.northendbreezes.com this month for our soft launch. What is a soft launch, you ask? In our soft launch we will provide a preview of our newly re-designed web site with new sections developed to highlight the numerous events, activities and happenings in our neighbourhood. These new sections include pages dedicated to North End entrepreneurs and our vibrant and growing arts community, as well as an up-to-date events calendar and community page featuring reader photos. So, please check back frequently in December to monitor our progress as we populate the North End Breezes web site with new content as we work toward our January launch.
We would be thrilled to receive your thoughts and content suggestions for our re-designed web site. Please forward your ideas, stories and photos to office@northendbreezes.com. A special thanks is due to Marie Mushing of People in Connection, a North End Breezes Board member and local entrepreneur, who has dedicated her time to making our web launch a reality. Thanks, Marie!
You can also still connect with us by leaving a phone message at (905)523-6611 ext. 3004.