Since 1972 this newsletter has been published in a variety of forms, but it is the partnership with our readers that has always been at the heart of what we do. This is seen in the financial stability of the newsletter as in 2015 24% of our income came through donations and fund-raising activities.

But now, we need your help. Costs have increased just as we’ve grown. Our advertising support that we relied on has dropped; some because after 50 years of support, they are retiring – go figure – and some have decided to dedicate their advertising budget in other ways. That means that we are working on a month to month basis.

Our small volunteer publication team works tirelessly to find and publish the news but we could use more people. Our Board of Directors is active in their jobs and community and their time is filled. We have ideas for fund raising but no help to do it.

We know that The Breezes is appreciated by our readers in the North End and beyond. We wouldn’t be here 50 years later if that wasn’t the case.

We hope that you continue to support us. Your donation, whether small or large allows us to continue to bring the news of the community to the community.