by Ken Hirter
Thanksgiving is defined as: “the act of giving thanks, grateful acknowledgement or favors, an expression of thanks, a public celebration in acknowledgement of divine favor or kindness”
Thanksgiving weekend this year starts on Saturday October the 07th to Monday October the 09th 2017.
But did you know……
Long before Europeans settled in North America, festivals of thanks and celebrations of harvest took place in Europe in the month of October. The very first Thanksgiving celebration took place in Canada when Martin Frobisher, an Explorer from England arrived in Newfoundland in 1578.
That means the first Thanksgiving in Canada was celebrated forty-three years before the pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Normally celebrated in either late October or early November, Thanksgiving was declared a National holiday in 1879. In January1957 the Canadian Parliament announced the second Monday in October would be observed as “Thanksgiving”
Many small towns celebrate their annual Fall fairs and shows to coincide with the Thanksgiving long weekend. It is also the weekend as family, extended families and friends to get together for a wonderful, bountiful harvest of good food, drinks and merriments.
For myself it is also in remembrance of those whom are no longer here. To give thanks for the contributions and the imprints stamped within my heart the marks left by their presence here on Earth and thanks for being a part of my life as I continue as life’s Garden path of life….
I always reserve a moment of silence within my heart for my mother whom past away on October the 10th 2001. “Thanks mom for giving me life to continue on the Garden Path Of Life. I miss you”
Fall is a time for reflection, to look back with Thanksgiving as a time to simply give thanks. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Take care of yourself and those around you.