Pastor: Rev. Peter Jurzyk
Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule:
~No Mass Monday~
Tuesday – Confession 6:30 p.m. Mass 7:00 p.m.(new)
Wednesday – Mass 12 noon (new)
Thursday – Confession and Adoration 6:00 p.m., Mass 7:00 p.m.
Friday – Mass 9:00 a.m.
Saturday-Confession 9:30 a.m., Mass 10:00 a.m.
Please check our website for most up to date schedule

Sacraments of Marriage or Baptism:
Please contact the parish office to make an appointment to meet with Father Peter.
Spring 50/50 draw – Thank you to everyone wo supported our 50/50 Draws and congratulations to our winner Wade Simms!

Save the Dates!
This fall we are excited to be planning for some events that haven’t happened in a
a while – so tentatively please save these dates:
November 4 – Nibbles and Bids
December 2 – Turkey Roll

Hall Rentals are available again!
The hall can seat approximately 150 people for a sit down dinner, and there is a full kitchen facility with commercial refrigerator and freezer, a bar area (with fridge) and a P.A. System. We welcome: Wedding Receptions, Birthdays, Anniversary Celebrations, Retirement Parties, Bowling Banquets, Funeral Receptions
Please keep an eye on the bulletin or our parish website for further updates.