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The North End Breezes is a Volunteer based Non-Profit Community Newspaper in Hamilton Ontario

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Dayna, North End Resident and Reader

“I look forward to the always-prompt delivery of the next edition to my mailbox, and to receiving the email alerting me to its availability! I so appreciate that there remains a local community paper at a time when so many others have ceased publication. It’s been a great introduction to the North End!”


“I love the setup of North End Breezes. What an exciting newspaper!  It is creative, informative and dynamic with real life stories that others can relate.  If only it went further than Ward 2.  Imagine all who would read it.  Thanks again”


Marie Mushing, People In Connection

“As an advertiser with the NEB, I am pleased to be supporting and involved with this community newspaper. In the past 10 months my ad has generated new clients and I am very pleased that people are using local business owners.”

Kristina Santone

“Being a part of the North End Breezes board for the past two years has been a privilege. The team does amazing work within the community and serves as a resource hub for all. They are committed, and most importantly, passionate about preserving the North End’s legacy, while also continuing to foster its growth. Whether you are new to the area, or a longtime resident, I encourage you to volunteer with the Breezes in some capacity if you’re able. This team is small but mighty and they are always looking for more support. I’m grateful for the relationships and community I’ve been able to build while serving on the board.
I’ll be joining Welcome Inn as the Executive Director and look forward to taking on a new role in the North End Community while staying connected to The Breezes. “

Robyn Gillam

I’m not an old Northender, having lived here only a few years, but I try to make up for it with enthusiasm. As a hardcore pedestrian, my mission is to seek out strange old stuff, look for odd angles and reveal the mysteries of our awesome neighbourhood. I aim find all the interesting places, things, animals and people that area that are accessible and can tell a story.

Centennial School: Was that a thing?

Centennial School: Was that a thing?

By Robyn Gillam A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with a man working on a site near my house. After asking me how long I had been in the neighbourhood, he shared that he had spent part of his childhood in the North End. With a smile and a sparkle in his eye, he...

What’s happening to the Lake?

What’s happening to the Lake?

Submitted by Robyn Gillam The little Mallard duck was picking her way through dried out mud and roots along the shore of the Bayfront on her orange webbed feet. Although her lovely brown and black plumage was offset by the purplish-blue streak under each wing, she...



Submitted by Robyn Gillam So we’ve just had a big turnover in our municipal government. The mayor, and some councillors retired; incumbents lost in the polls. It certainly looks like a “change election”, but there’s a downside. Only 35.4% of eligible voters bothered...


by Robyn Gillam Covid 19 has brought change to the North End. Although the pandemic is not over,with vaccination rates rising, it’s a good time to look back over the past 18 months. The sudden lockdown in March of last year made for an eerie quietness in the...

Beautiful North End

Beautiful North End

by Robyn Gillam In the mid 20th century, 468 James North was home to the Genesee Tavern, a famous watering hole and social hub of the old North End. Later on, it was Clarkey’s, part of Hamilton’s bar-based music scene. Like many such older establishments, the building...