Canadian grain handler Richardson International has been named winner of HPA’s annual Environmental Excellence Award: Richardson International. Richardson operates a terminal in the Port’s Eastport area that provides Ontario growers of soybeans, wheat and corn with export access to international markets.
The annual award recognizes a port partner’s contribution to respecting and protecting the natural environment. For example, to control fugitive dust, Richardson has installed automated roll-up doors at the unloading pits to better keep dust within the pit area when transport trucks are unloading. The terminal has self-leveling baffles in its truck pits, so that areas of the pit that are full remain sealed, thereby reducing dust from billowing back out, and the company is in the process of doubling its dust collection capacity. Richardson is also a participant in the Port of Hamilton’s annual Team Up to Clean Up community event.
“Environmental stewardship is important in everything we do at the Port of Hamilton,” said HPA President & CEO Ian Hamilton. “We encourage a high level of environmental performance on the part of our tenants. We embed robust environmental standards right into our contracts, and then work together proactively to protect air, land and water. Richardson is an excellent example of a company that is showing leadership.”
Each year, the winner of HPA’s Environmental Excellence Award is invited to select a local Hamilton-area environmental organization to receive a $5,000 donation. Richardson has selected the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club, where the funds will be put to good use in the protection of Hamilton’s natural environment, including planting trees and enhancing habitat for birds and pollinators.
“Richardson International Ltd. is excited to provide additional funding through the Port’s Environmental Excellence Award to the Naturalist’s Club so that they can continue to grow their very important program of protecting and growing the natural habitat in the Hamilton area,” said Riley Verhelst, Director of Operations for Richardson’s Hamilton Terminal.