Hamilton Receives FTZ Designation

Canada’s Minister of Economic Development, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, designated Hamilton a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) Point- making Hamilton the 14th FTZ in Canada, and third in Ontario. As a result, businesses that import/export goods, or manufacture products in Hamilton will now have access to direct support on a range of duty deferrals and tax exemptions, making it even more attractive and advantageous to do business in Hamilton.

A small team of partners, including HOPA Ports, the City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Department, and John C Monro Hamilton International Airport, worked tirelessly and collaboratively over the past two years to achieve this designation.

Seabin Update

HOPA Port’s Seabin was installed last summer at Harbour West Marina and is currently in second year of operation, helping keep plastic litter out of Hamilton Harbour. The Seabin collects between 1.5 and 2 kilograms of floating waster per day, and is expected to collect as much as 200 kg by the end of November.

Through the Great Lakes Plastic Clean Up Project HOPA will be installing a second Seabin next year at Harbour West.

New Pollinator Plants

HOPA has planted new Service Berry trees outside of our Hamilton head office at 605 James Street North. Service Berry trees are a native tree species, whose spring blossoms help feed pollinators. These trees, planted in partnership with Humble Bee, are part of the port’s growing pollinator corridor of native plantings that provide food and shelter for pollinators like bees and butterflies as they travel across port lands.