Wellington X-Ray and Ultrasound

1 in 9 Canadians will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  Family history or genetic makeup accounts for approximately 5 to 10% of breast cancer.  90% of breast cancer is linked to other factors, including one’s work and home environment.  The goal of the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) is to screen as many women as possible to find breast cancer at a very early stage to have a better chance for successful treatment and surviving the disease.

Wellington X-Ray and Ultrasound provides x-ray, ultrasound and mammography services in the Hamilton Community Health Centre, which is located at 414 Victoria Avenue North.  Wellington X-Ray was approved to be an OBSP imaging centre in December 2016.  The qualifications for OBSP participation include certification with the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) and approval from OBSP.  The Radiologists and technical staff must have continuing education in mammography and are required to perform a minimum number of studies annually to maintain their credentials.

OBSP is available to a woman who is a resident of Ontario and between 50 to 74 years of age.  Your family physician may advise you to enroll in the program to have the mammogram done.  You may enroll in the programme yourself (no requisition required).  Women who are not eligible for the program are ones that have had breast cancer, breast implants or symptoms such as a lump or nipple discharge.   If you are not eligible under OBSP guidelines you will require a requisition from a physician to book a mammogram at our facility.

All clients with normal screens (and their physicians) will be sent a letter with study’s results.  Most women are screened every 2 years and you will be sent a reminder letter to schedule your screening mammogram.  Some women will be asked to return every year.  If you are currently enrolled in OBSP you may have your chart and images transferred to Wellington X-Ray. You will be asked if you have had a previous mammogram when you are making your appointment.

If you require additional imaging, the staff at Wellington X-Ray will contact you directly and arrange your appointment.  Your physician will be advised of the date and time of the appointment.

The Radiologists and Staff who provide patient care at Wellington X-Ray and Ultrasound are committed to the OBSP program and encourage you to participate in this programme that can lower the risk of dying for breast cancer by a third for women who are 50 to 69 years of age.  Please call and book your appointment at:

Wellington X-Ray and Ultrasound
Hamilton Community Health Centre

414 Victoria Avenue North, Lower Level

Hamilton ON   L8L 5G8

Phone:  905.546.5644                 Fax:  905.546.5645

Hours of Operation for Mammograms:  Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 4:00/ Saturdays:  Available in near future

Located on Victoria Avenue North at Ferrie Street East. (Wheelchair accessible and elevator available for use)

A full list of all OSP Screening Sites is available when you call 1.800.668.9304.