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NENA held it’s September meeting on September 1st. We continue to meet online and everyone is welcome.
After a summer hiatus from the monthly meetings there were a few new things to talk about. Chief among them was the fate of the Simcoe Tot Lot, located on the northeast corner of Bay and Strachan. This is the site of the Sunset Cultural Gardens and is up for development along with the Jamesville development site (located on the northwest corner of James and Stachan). A resolution was passed for NENA’s Planning and Traffic Committee to try to save the Simcoe Tot Lot from development. A second resolution was passed directing the Planning and Traffic Committee to request the City of Hamilton include the neighbourhood association in further planning of the Jamesville site.
Also on the agenda was the need to elect a new Board. Board Members can hold their positions for two years, and this December it will be time to fill the roles with new people. Board Members attend monthly meetings and contribute to various roles such as managing the money, taking minutes, contributing to social media, and writing updates for the Breezes. If you or someone you know are interested in getting involved, please email and come out to our next meeting.
NENA meets the first Wednesday of every month, and the next meeting is on October 6th at 7pm. We will continue to meet virtually.
If you’d like to be added to NENA’s mailing list, please visit and sign up for our Monthly Newsletter on the home page.
You can also find us on social media