By Kathy Renwald

Next Meeting: Wed. May 5th on Zoom

The North End Neighbourhood Association met virtually April 7th and heard the news that a nine story development at 600 James North has been approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). The city of Hamilton was opposed to the development, citing “overdevelopment” of the location. The project was also opposed at LPAT by Harbour West Neighbours (HWN), represented by Herman Turkstra. Building height, parking challenges, and compatibility with the scale of the neighbourhood were among reasons cited for not approving the development.

In their 37 page ruling, LPAT noted the city has already approved other intensification applications for the West Harbour area, including 8 stories on James Street North, and that other high rises exist in the North End. The developer of the proposed commercial/residential building is J & B Developments. More information on their plans for the northeast corner of James and Burlington can be found at: 600-james-street-north

The LPAT decision can be found here:

Under E-Decisions enter the case number PL190517

At the Nena meeting, Herman Turkstra, head of the association’s Planning and Traffic committee said that HWN was still studying the decision.

In other planning and traffic news: An application for a minor variance for a development at 50 Picton Street West was turned down by Hamilton’s Committee of Adjustment. A proposal to sever a lot, tear down a Victorian cottage and build two stacked townhouses with a total of four units, was deemed “not a minor variance” by the committee. Opposition by neighbours, and Councillor Jason Farr noted the imposing size of the buildings, proposal for only eight per cent front yard landscaping, no front doors, and privacy intrusion for neighbours as concerns.

It was noted at the NENA meeting that the North End will face more pressure for intensification and a comprehensive-inclusive discussion should take place in the near future.

The Environment Committee lead by Jon Davey has been gathering details on the increase in idling locomotives at the CN switching yard near Bayfront Park. Lots of smoke and fumes, and concerns about air quality. I attended a virtual meeting of Clean Air Hamilton April 12 where this issue was discussed after a presentation by the Railway Association of Canada (RCA). RAC talked about efforts by railroads to reduce carbon emissions. It was mentioned there is a “30 minute limit to idling engines except for operational purposes,” as described by Transport Canada. This vague guideline doesn’t seem to be helpful, but the RAC said they would be a good point of contact for a conversation with CN about idling concerns. Clean Air Hamilton meetings are open to the public.

Property Damage Concerns:

North End resident Stephen Harris spoke at the meeting about increasing vandalism in the neighbourhood. He listed graffiti, rocks thrown at houses and the serious incidents of fires being set on porches.” Nena contacted Hamilton Police Services and got this response. “The Hamilton Police are investigating this matter, it is currently an ongoing investigation. Officers are actively canvassing the areas surrounding where the incidents occurred, checking for video surveillance and speaking with witnesses. The Hamilton Police are asking the public to come forward with any information  that they feel may assist police. Contact police at 905-540-5085 if you have information on these incidents.”

As a closer, it is worth downloading the City of Hamilton App. It contains shortcuts that would be hard to find on the city’s website, including calendars, agendas and minutes of most city of Hamilton committees and sub-committees. Also included links to live-streamed meetings.

For additional and the newest NENA information visit: