Submitted by Kathy Renwald

Some North End residents received notices recently about a proposed new natural gas pipeline that could run through the North End Neighbourhood.  Enbridge Gas will be holding public meetings about the proposed 16-kilometre pipeline in late February and March. The intent of the pipeline is to deliver natural gas to ArcelorMittal Dofasco in an effort by the steelmaker to reduce the company’s carbon footprint.  The mailing may have caught some residents by surprise as they learned the North End route is the 2nd preferred alternative.

I emailed contacts at Enbridge Gas for more information about the route and received details from Enbridge senior advisor Brian Glennie. He said the North End portion of Alternative Route 2 would see the 16 to 24-inch pipeline run east on Stuart Street to Bay Street North, North on Bay Street to Burlington Street West and on to Dofasco. Construction would be on the municipal right-of-way, and in some locations under the street itself. This would require partial or total road closures during construction.

Reaction to the proposed pipeline has been mixed among residents, and at city hall. A greener way of making steel has been applauded by reducing coal usage, but doing it with natural gas has pushback. Dofasco says their eventual goal is to use hydrogen. While the number one preferred route is to run the pipeline down Centennial Parkway to Barton Street and on to Kenilworth, it would be wise for North End residents to learn about Alternative Route 2. 

 Before proceeding the pipeline project must complete public consultation, an environmental assessment, and get Ontario Energy Board Approval. Construction could begin in 2025.

All the information about public meetings and background info can be found at the Enbridge Hamilton Reinforcement Project webpage

Members of the public can attend and voice their opinions at the following in person and online meetings.

In-person session #1: March 2, 2023, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Stoney Creek Lions Club, 14nSherwood Park Road, Stoney Creek

In-person session #2: March 8, 2023, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Mount Hamilton Legion, 435 Limeridge Road E., Hamilton

Virtual (online): Feb. 27 – March 12, 2023
A virtual public information session will also be held online from Feb. 27 to March 12. Visitors can provide their input on the project by visiting