What is Your North End Neighbourhood Association Up To?
With so much happening in the North End, the volunteers with the North End Neighbourhood Association (NENA) are often busy.
You may have seen the “Save Our Park” signs around the neighbourhood. NENA believes that the Simcoe Tot Lot (at Bay and Strachan) should not be sold to developers and rather stay a park. If you agree check out our website for how you can help: northendneighbourhoodassociation.com/saveourpark
NENA has been working with the city on the development at Jamesville (James & Strachan). The developer has recently submitted their design proposal to the city for review. NENA has analyzed the development proposal and created a draft report on the design with concerns and recommendations. Included in NENA’s draft report is the request for maintaining the maximum building height to six stories, rather than seven; consideration of the massive tree loss on this site; accessible design in pedestrian spaces; and traffic and parking affecting the surrounding neighbourhood. NENA’s draft report can be found at: northendneighbourhoodassociation.com/jamesville-redevelopment.
Did you know that a tall tower is being considered at the Pier 8 development? The tower could be up to 45 stories. This change in plan is part of an OMB decision and would lead to a larger number of family size units being constructed at Pier 8. The city has recently released an Opportunity Study and Development Guidelines and can be found at: hamilton.ca/city-planning/planning-community/piers-7-and-8-urban-design-study.
Finally, upon NENA’s request, Councillor Farr has asked City staff to study a few items at Bayfront Park: decreasing traffic speeds along Harbour Front Drive; adjusting bus routes to allow for a transit stop near the Bayfront Parking lot; and electrification for the food trucks servicing the park. Keep an ear out for progress on these issues.
NENA is currently meeting online and everyone is welcome. We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm. If you would like to receive notification and meeting links for our meetings sign up for our newsletter at northendneighbourhoodassociation.com. Sign up is at the bottom of the home page. https://www.northendneighbourhoodassociation.com/
We look forward to seeing you there!