“Welcome to the North End, The Neighbourhood by the Bay”
We had 186 people vote for a neighbourhood gateway sign slogan. Thanks to everyone that submitted slogans and voted. Full Survey Details can be found here.
$150,000 (Plan Local)
Select a location that you think needs improvement, whether a major street or City-owned green space or trail. The most popular locations and improvements will be considered for funding.
Some ideas we came up with at our last meeting
- Bike track for kids at Eastwood Park
- Bennetto Community Centre – trees, benches out front of the building
- James and Strachan Neighbourhood Entrance
- Strachan Strip beautification – signage, landscaping
Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network
Starting May 1, 2018, tenants from four high rise buildings in East Hamilton took the bold and
courageous step to launch a rent strike. Tenants are withholding rent to protest the landlord’s application for a large rent increase above the government guideline and to demand that the landlord make longstanding and necessary repairs to their units. For more information.
Watch the video at https://www.gofundme.com/EastHamiltonRentStrike
Next Meeting: July 4th 2018
6:30 PM at Bennetto Community Centre. This will be a joint meeting with JvN/d and SvN
All North End residents, and community members interested in affordable homeownership development in Hamilton, are invited to attend a public consultation meeting hosted by John van Nostrand Developments (JvN/d) and SvN Architects & Planners in collaboration with City of Hamilton planning staff and the North End Neighbourhood Association. JvN/d is proposing to redevelop the properties located at 468-476 James Street North (at the corner of James and Ferrie) as an eight storey, mixed use condominium building. For more information about the developer, please visit jvnd.ca. To view all of the planning application documents and provide your feedback to the developer and City staff, please visit svnportal.com/468jamesnorth, prepared by SvN Architects & Planners.”
June Minutes can be found at
For more information visit www.northendneighbours.com or contact Curtis Biehler
NENa President at nen.president@gmail.com