NENA has a New Website: Thanks to a couple of enterprising volunteers NENA finally has a website that looks like it belongs in the twenty first century! The website is well organized to provide info on Upcoming Events, updates on our various Committees, Meeting Minutes, and even a Shop to buy North End Merch! Check it out. The new address is:
Calling All Book Lovers!
NENa has a new subcommittee aimed at resurrecting a library branch in the North End. We are looking for people eager to help in this initiative. These early efforts will be focused on developing strategies and communicating with potential partners (ex. city planners, developers, library board). Skills in storytelling, planning, marketing, design, communications, fundraising, networking, and community engagement are all assets but equally valuable is someone who is eager to grow in these areas. Oh, and of course, if you can come up with a snaggy campaign name, you’re definitely in! This is a subcommittee open to all, neighborhood boundaries do not apply. Please contact Sarah Kam if you’re interested or have questions. She can be reached at
Environment Committee Update:
Even though it is winter, lots is going on with the North End’s Environment & Climate Change Committee. Featured this month on the brand new website, Downtown Sparrow, is Environment & Climate Change Committee member, Jon Davey. Along with Juby Lee from the Trees Please project their article looks at why urban forests are essential to our quality of life. It is well worth a read!
Coming up the City will be holding a Public Meeting on the new Urban Forest Strategy. People are encouraged to attend and provide comments. If this interests you, you should also fill out the survey and make sure your voice is heard! City of Hamilton’s goal is 30% tree canopy; Environment Hamilton says it should be 40%; Ward 2 has about 12% tree canopy
Finally, two things to watch for: After a successful tree give-a-way this past fall keep your eyes out for another one this spring. We are also hoping to have an upcoming pollinator garden workshop…spring is just around the corner!