The City of Hamilton is giving away Free Private Trees to Hamilton Residents. You can plant a private tree on your property to help improve air quality, fight climate change, and increase your property value. There are four pick-up dates in June, with two of them located at Bayfront Park. To order your tree visit

Have you checked out Engage Hamilton? The city developed this interactive website for Hamiltonians to learn about important City initiatives, share their feedback and engage with the community. It is being used to gather online feedback on City of Hamilton projects, policies, and initiatives. Currently you can comment on many things including Digital Sign Boards, E-cargo bikes and more. You can find the site at

The North End Neighbourhood Association’s Planning Committee continues to be busy, including engaging with people on the proposed Landmark building on Pier 8. The proposed building is meant to provide for more family size units on Pier 8 and is being designed by famed architect Bruce Kuwabara, who was born and raised right here in the North End.

Other developments the Planning Committee are working on are the continuation of the John Street Bike Lanes north of Burlington Street, and a special architectural feature welcoming people to the neighbourhood at James and Strachan.

NENA meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm and everyone is welcome. We are currently meeting online. You can find out about our meetings by signing up for our newsletter. We are also on Facebook and Twitter.

Sign up for our newsletter here: (Scroll to the very bottom).