About now many of us are suffering from election fatigue; the continuous fall-out from the US elections; the Ontario provincial election; the upcoming federal election. Why bother voting or thinking about the October 22nd municipal elections?
The answer is simple. Of all the levels of government, municipal government has the most immediate impact on our daily lives. Think about the services that they are responsible for.
- Roads (repair, building), snow removal
- Transit
- Planning and development, Official Plans, 1st level of appeal for variance from the planning code
- Waste management
- Water- supply and quality; sewage treatment
- Public health
- Policing, fire and EMS
- Parks, community and recreation centres, libraries
- … and more
A look through the City of Hamilton website (Hamilton.ca) shows the scope of responsibility of our elected council.
So now that we’ve answered the why – next comes the who. Who should I vote for? Think about the issues that are important to you, in your neighbourhood and in our community as a whole. Find out who is running for mayor and ward councillor. (Their names are posted on the City website at https://www.hamilton.ca/municipal-election) What are their priorities, background and experience? How well do you think they would be able to work with the other councillors and staff? And how do you get this information!
Many candidates are already campaigning door to door. Talk to them. Ask where they stand on issues that are important to you. Do you think that this person has the qualities needed to be successful as a mayor / councillor / school board trustee? Go to candidate meetings and debates. Read newspapers and check their on-line presence. And think about why you would vote for this person.
Finally, the when. Municipal elections in Ontario are held on the 4th Monday of October every 4 years. In 2018, municipal election day is October 22nd. There are also advance polls, October 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 13th. In order to ensure that you are on the voters list, you can check online at voterlookup.ca or call 1-866-296-6722.
List of Nominees

Click to enlarge map
Jim Davis
Fred Eisenberger (Incumbent) Fred2018.ca
Paul Fromm paul@paulfromm.com
Henry Geissler northsouthlrt@gmail.com
Carlos Gomes
Edward Graydon graydoninvestment@gmail.com
Todd May toddmay3.wixsite.com/toddmay2018
Michael Pattison mpformayor@michaelapattison.com
George Rusich georgerusich4mayor@gmail.com
Phil Ryerson speakerphilryerson@gmail.com
Ute Schmid-Jones utesj@sympatico.ca
Vito Sgro vitosgro0@gmail.com
Ricky Tavares ricky905@live.com
Nathalie Xian Yi Yan nathaliehealthc@hotmail.com
Mark Wozny mwozny@bell.net
City Councillor Ward 2
Nicole Smith www.ward2forall.com
Cameron Kroetsch www.Cameronforward2.ca
Suresh Venodh Daljeet svdaljeet@gmail.com
Mark Tennant tennantm7@gmail.com
Jason Farr (Incumbent) ward2@jasonfarr.ca
James Unsworth jamesunsworth@gmail.com
John Vail
Diane Chiarelli votechiarelli2018@gmail.com
Ward 2 School Board Trustee (Public)
Christine Ann Bingham
Rahimuddin Chowdhury
Ward 1, 2 & 15 School Board Trustee (Catholic)
Mark Valvasori