Donna Reid is passionately positive about Hamilton– so much so that in 2013 she created The Hamilton Store on James Street North in the former HIStory + HERitage gallery space. She lives in the neighbourhood – north of Barton

“Welcome” is a word I seem to use every day in my shop.   And I say it with a smile because I am happy that so many people are choosing Hamilton as their home.  Sometimes it’s “welcome to Hamilton” or “welcome to downtown” –  new residents to our neighbourhood are coming from near and far.

Hamilton is a welcoming city but for individuals new here is may be challenging to get involved or feel part of a new community.   It is especially difficult for a trailing spouse or partner who may have no prior connection to the city but is moving here with someone who already has a connection. Perhaps grew up here and is returning or attended university here.

I LOVE Hamilton!   And with this new column I’d like to share things you can do to get involved; how you can learn about your new home and share some interesting events that might spark some interest in your new neighbourhood.   It’s all about loving (and learning to love) our amazing Hamilton.

Many Breezes’ Readers already LOVE Hamilton so let’s start by completing this sentence to share with our new neighbours:

I love Hamilton….. (here are a few shared with me my friends so far)

  • for its natural beauty from the Bay to the Mountain
  • what is has been, what it is and what it’s becoming
  • because of the people + the energy + the engagement + talent
  • for our generosity + spirit
  • for its great library!
  • where strangers quickly become friends

Please share your love messages by sending me an email to  I’ll incorporate some of them in upcoming articles.  In the meantime here are a couple of neat events that you might be interested in:

Useful Knowledge Society of Hamilton
Tuesday March 7,
6:30 to 9 pm
AGH Annex, 118 James Street North “Getting Ready for Intensification in our Neighbourhoods” Is there a way we might encourage housing and offer a way to share the economies of development beyond the existing development community? Is there a way to offer a greater mix of housing choices, close the affordability gap and stabilize neighbourhoods during a time of growth and redevelopment? More info and speakers list on link below. Free event but space is limited. Pre-register please: https://www.eventbrite. ca/e/getting-ready-for-intensification-tickets-31946578075?aff=es2

Doors Open Hamilton
Saturday May 6 and Sunday May 7
10 am to 4 pm.
Architecturally and culturally significant sites open their doors first full weekend of May. 15th Anniversary Event. Info : 2017 site list coming soon: http:// aspx

Jane’s Walk Hamilton
May 5, 6 + 7, 2017
Annual event features short guided walking tours across the city on a variety of topics. http://janeswalk. org/canada/hamilton/