by Linda Benson

Today was Thanksgiving Day, and what a glorious one it was.  The weather was amazing, so I took myself to the harbor for a nice walk and some photos.

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful day, whether sharing with family or friends (or both), or being alone, like myself, simply giving thanks for this amazing day…..

I did take a few photos while I was by the Bay, I hope you enjoy them.

Presently, I am busy getting ready for my trip to BC, where I will get to meet my grandson, for the very first time.  He is now 18 months old; it will be so lovely just to hold him, instead of talking to him through the computer.    The trip, itself, is fairly lengthy, and to tell the truth, I am not looking forward to it, although I know the end result will be so gratifying.

I fly with Swoop Airlines, from Hamilton with a stop-over in Winnipeg, before flying to Kelowna and then getting a bus to Kamloops.  To say I am feeling a tad bit overwhelmed is an understatement.  I have been to BC several times in the past,  however due to the circumstances of the last two years, my adventurous side has taken a side step, as I am sure is the case of many people.

This past month, I did not get chance to sit with a stranger and have a good old chin wag.  I have missed that, so hopefully in November, I’ll be able to regale you with many more stories.

Now, one exciting event, my friend and I decided to go in search of Theodore, without much luck actually.  We walked from Hutches on the Bay to beyond Williams Cafe; we thought he was surely hiding out.  Only to learn, that he had gone on a jaunt about.   Both of us were saddened, which is funny given our ages.

However, just recently, I was on yet another walk, no longer thinking of Theodore, with a totally different friend, when I stopped in my tracks, and there he was!!  Not exactly hiding, but he was in between many other vessels. Oh my surprise!!  I pulled up short, dragging my friend with me and yelling “there he is, there he is”.  To which my friend shouted “who?”  It was one of the best moments of my life, which is saying very little, given our lack of excitement this past year or so.

I hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving Day photo at the Bay Front Park.  I have included a photo of, what looks like an Apartment building, which stands tall and prominent, can you name it?  If so, please leave me a comment, and perhaps we can meet up for a coffee and chat one day so  you can tell me more about these buildings.

I look forward to our November edition.  Stay well and say happy and enjoy this wonderful, October, weather.