By Brenda Duke


Well friends, it’s the start of a New Year, 2023, and my fifth year (I think) as the Editor/Coordinator of the North End Breezes! When I retired, I was looking for a way to stay connected and active with my community. I never dreamed that I would fall completely in love with the people I met in the North End. I’m honoured to be part of and share the history and the dreams of this unique piece of Hamilton.

I want to take this time to reach out and thank each of you that contribute to this publication.

Our delivery volunteers ~ you bring a piece of yourself to our success with each paper you drop and hopefully make new friends while you learn about the people and places that make the North End special.

Our writers ~ the regulars, like Ken Hirter, Brian Roulston, Candy Venning, Robyn Gillam, to mention a few, who have faithfully walked the streets interviewing people, shared their knowledge of the history of this area and “dug up” secrets to spread beauty and know how. Our readers enjoy learning about it all and trying new ideas. We have writers who have joined us from other areas who share what they are learning as they too fall in love with the North End. Some are “new” and are quickly becoming regulars, and some pop in periodically to bring special touches, information and helpful tips.

Our Community Partners ~ these are the service providers in the North End that keep us up to date on things that are happening, the where and when to find out about what you need. Many have been with us from the beginning. They keep our readers informed and help us meet our financial needs.

Our business partners ~ the people who continue to fill a need for the residents and spend their hard-earned dollars to help us pay the bills. Some have been around forever and will always be a part of the NE history. Fishers, Our Corner, Brusey Awnings, The Yacht Club, and some of them are newer to the area. They’ve hung their hat in the North End, showing faith in our future. Show your spirit by shopping local and helping them to thrive.

Our Board of Directors ~ an ever changing group of people from different areas of expertise that bring their talents to the table to direct our publication team ensuring another 50 years of community news. Read about our current board members in this issue.

Our Publication Team ~ that small but mighty group that keep the wheels turning and move us forward each month. Kit Darling, my right hand (couldn’t do it without her), she “nags” so I don’t look like a tyrant. Katie Fitzgerald, the magician behind each issue who pulls all the pieces together and meets our chaotic schedules, Marie Mushing, the genius who brought us into the present with a stellar website so we can spread our news further and reach even more people. This is the team that makes me look like I’m doing an okay job!

Our Readers ~ where would be without each of you? From the loyal “old guard” who wait for the paper each month to the “new crowd” eager to learn about the place they’ve made their home. We do it for you!

I can’t promise to thank you all in person or in print but I do know that without you and the many, many people that walk the neighbourhood and spread the word (Sheri Selway, Chris Pearson, take a bow), we wouldn’t be here today looking forward to celebrating our next 50 years.

Thank you all! Here’s to a happy, peaceful New Year and Welcome 2023!