By Brenda Duke

Another month has passed and as always, there have been challenges and progress. That’s what makes it interesting!

We learned a few months ago that our Treasurer, James Vanderberg would be relocating and we needed to fill that position. We’ve had someone step up to join the Board of Directors and take on the Treasurer role. They are training right now and hopefully, we can introduce them in the next edition.

For several months, we’ve been looking to expand our publication team and add a Social Media Director. Cat McKay, a proud new North Ender has joined us and you’ll read more about her in this edition.

Community is the backbone of The Breezes and has kept us publishing for 52 years now. We always support our community partners and businesses and encourage our readers to be involved. We can’t always be out and about in the community but we try.

We joined with Sunset Cultural Garden to hold a rain barrel and plant sale to raise funds and boy was it fun! And successful! Thank you to everyone who came out.

We’ll be at joining Compass Community Health (438 Hughson St N) on July 10, 2024 from 4pm to 7pm for their 25th annual Park N Party.

Our annual North Ender of the Year Award is open for nominations until July 30th so put your thinking caps on and nominate someone you know contributes to The North End Community. You can find the details on our website and social media as well as in this issue.

A new twist on an old tradition; The North End Reunion! This year it will be hosted by The Breezes and we are excited. Join us on September 14, 2024 and Macassa Bay Yacht Club for a day filled with fun and good friends.

Are you holding an event? We have a new Events section on our website Email us with Event as the subject and we’ll promote it on our social media. Would you like the Breezes to attend to share information or cover the event for publication? Just let us know!
Contact us: for questions or events to submit an article to talk advertising.