June is Senior’s month, and I encourage everyone to hug their Senior a little more this month.  For many Senior’s life can be  challenging….loneliness and isolation, health issues, mobility issues, housing issues, transportation issues, eating issues,  financial issues and on and on…the one thing that seems to make the difference is:  a positive attitude!

For those Senior’s blessed with a positive attitude and the ability to have resiliency and gratefulness many of life’s cares become more manageable-a sunny outlook can’t change reality-but it can make it so much easier to cope with. Do you know the saying: It’s not how old you are-it’s how you are in old age.

I  am amazed at how much older people have to teach us, to show us by example, what “growing older” is all about-and it isn’t the same for everyone. It’s impossible to put in a box the “aging experience”-just as we can’t generalize on the “women’s experience” or the “teen experience”.  Yes, there are common issues and challenges to be faced-but each individual’s life tells a unique story-it is their own experiences which creates their life-but more importantly-shapes their attitude to that life and determines how they will react to all the challenges and the positives that come to them.  Remember:  “The elderly are the only naturally occurring increasing resource in the world! xo