Councillor Update
Welcome to May Breeze’s readers! A time to salute Mother’s, celebrate a long weekend and we can’t forget May the Fourth Be With You. May is also the month when we all start spending more time outdoors and that is especially true for folks in the North End who have a...
Councillor Update
Spring is in the air Breezes readers and with that more and more people will be making their way to the North End’s immense and increasingly public waterfront. By now you are well aware of all the shoreline development that has been ongoing throughout the pandemic and...
Update from the Councillor
Hello Breeze’s readers and I hope this latest issue finds you and your family well! This month I wanted to share with you some of the facts and history of the Sunset Cultural Garden site. As many know, the garden itself was always meant to be temporary in its current...
Update from the Councillor
Hello Breezes’ readers and I hope you are staying safe! I know this year hasn’t exactly started off the way any of us would have wanted as we continue to battle with Covid-19. So, I wanted to start off by thanking each of you for doing what you can to keep yourself,...
It’s construction season in the North End and you will soon notice a residential road to avoid; Strachan from James all the way east. Following consultation with residents, and your Ward 2 office over the last few years, some obvious candidates for full on road and...
Free Tree Giveaway!
Update from Your Councillor
Hello Breezes Readers, still socially distancing North End style? I can’t wait for this pandemic to be done, but thank you all for the continued engagement. We’ve had calls, emails and often figured out ways to meet face to face (depending on the Provincial colour...
Hello and Happy holidays, Breezes readers! I hope and trust that you are keeping safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. While for a lot of reasons, this has been a year that many of us would like to forget, there are some outcomes I trust we will all...
Council Update: North Enders and Bennetto Recreation Welcome Cities First Isolation Centre
Hello, Breezes readers. I continue to be very impressed with how North Enders have come together (while six feet apart) during these unprecedented times. Here we are in May 2020 and about 50 days since my colleagues and I on City Council enacted our Emergency...
Council Update
By Jason Farr, Councilor Ward 2 Hello, Breezes Readers! Time for some more North End updates and this issue we will do so with our 2020 vision. Jamesville The mixed income community momentum continues to grow on the Jamesville City Housing HAMILTON site. We have...