Hello to you from Crime Stoppers of Hamilton.

I would like to start by wishing everyone the happiest and safest of holidays this year. Please take the time to enjoy family and a little relaxation when you can.

Crime Stoppers of Hamilton has continued to grow its footprint in the community and not alone. As I have said before we are not only for the community, but we are part of the community. As we near the end of 2021 I want to share a couple initiatives we have launched.

We recently launched “Campus Crime Stoppers” partnering with McMaster, Mohawk, and Redeemer to bring Crime Stoppers on campus. This partnership will continue to grow with the hopes of more campuses joining us in providing education to students and staff as well as expanding program awareness. Like our Crime Stoppers “On the Water” program and partnership with HOPA (Hamilton Oshawa Port Authority) and the Hamilton Police Marine Unit, Campus Crime Stoppers is also a reminder to those who know of a committed or about to be committed crime that they have an anonymous avenue to report while continuing to keep one another safe and others from being potential victims themselves. We see these campuses as communities within our Hamilton community and we couldn’t be happier.

We are so excited to announce we have finally put up our city entry signs for those visiting our fantastic city. They are located as you enter Hamilton from the QEW onto the Redhill Parkway Southbound and when you exit onto York Blvd from the 403 Hamilton near Dundurn Castle. These signs are not about saying there is crime in Hamilton, they announce to everyone visiting that we are a proud part of the community, and the community is a proud part of Crime Stoppers. We have finally joined many surrounding communities with these signs with the help of the City of Hamilton.

We continue to work on our Youth Ambassador Program engaging youth in our community, looking to help grow future leaders, while giving support. We hope to get back to in person community events.

January is National Crime Stoppers month so be sure to watch for us on social media, Facebook, twitter, Instagram and now LinkedIn.

Finally, as the holiday season is upon us, we at Crime Stoppers would like to give some TIPS of our own.

It only takes a moment for YOU to be the VICTIM of a crime.

  • Don’t FLASH your CASH – Keep it away and out of sight from those who may be around you
  • ATM’s – cover your pin and don’t walk away counting the cash for those who want to see
  • Cybercrime, protect your banking information, physical theft isn’t the only threat to consumers
  • Be wary of online deals that seem too good to be true
  • Don’t shop for the criminal, HOW you ask? – By loading your car up with recent purchases or leaving them unattended and walking away. Criminals watch for this!
  • PLEASE….PLEASE – LOCK YOUR CAR and VALUABLES up, keeping valuables away and out of sight
  • Distraction thefts – keep everything in sight, know your surroundings.
  • If possible, shop during daylight hours, going with friends or family members

Sadly, there are those who see the holiday season as opportunity to victimize our communities. Remember Hamilton, your VOICE fights crime, so take part in having criminals answer for their actions, call Crime Stoppers with your tips at 1 800 222 TIPS (8477) or submit a tip via the web and TOGETHER let’s continue keeping our community STRONGER and SAFER!

We look forward to 2022.