A Unique Start to the 2020 Shipping Season
The first vessel arrived at the Port of Hamilton on April 3, officially kicking off its 2020 marine shipping season. The Federal Nagara, travelling all the way from Richards Bay in South Africa, docked at Pier 23 with a load of ferroalloy for local stevedore QSL to unload.
Master Mariner, Arka Sengupta was presented with the ceremonial top hat and gift by Harbour Master, Vicki Gruber, from the pier. Due to the threat of COVID-19, this is a very different and distanced take on the traditional top hat ceremony. Normally, the Harbour Master would come aboard the first vessel to congratulate the captain and crew.
After leaving Hamilton, Federal Nagara is scheduled to proceed to Ashtabula, Ohio to discharge a load of titanium slag, and then it will sail on to Duluth-Superior to load up on wheat destined for Algeria.
HOPA Gives Back to Hamilton Food Share
While comminutes across Canada self-isolate, families everywhere are feeling the crunch. HOPA Ports is proud to share that it will be donating $2,500 to Hamilton Food Share, an organization that plays a crucial role in the community and supports an entire network of social service agencies and free meal programs across Hamilton. Like a port, Hamilton Food Share is a central hub in their network, keeping thousands from going hungry.