Harbour West Neighbours is a group of North End neighbourhood residents with a special interest in how the City plans for the future of the neighbourhood as a child and family friendly neighbourhood.
Members of HWN have been active since 2002. At the present time members of the HWN planning team have three appeals to the OMB under way. Residents rights to an OMB appeal give local residents leverage and ability to influence City decisions.
The first appeal relates to the City’s promise to put the waterfront plan into the City’s Official Plan. When a plan is in the Official Plan residents have a right to appeal to the OMB. The City did not put the waterfront plan into the Official Plan. HWN have appealed that breach of the original commitment. The OMB has confirmed the right of HWN to appeal. The hearing will be held in 2018.
The second appeal relates to City by-law permitting outdoor live and recorded music on patios on the waterfront. Based on the neighbourhood’s experience with the City/Sarcoa operation, HWN has appealed that by-law to the OMB on the grounds that the permitted noise level of 60db contradicts the MOE guideline of 50db and because the City is not likely to enforce the by-law.
The third appeal relates to Pier 8 where the City failed to plan for Pier 8 at the same time as Pier 7 and failed to seriously consult with its residential and industrial neighbours. This raises serious issues of parking and traffic for the residents, and serious issues for noise and dust control for Bunge and P+H. who have also appealed. For further information email questions@harbourwestneighbours.ca. North End residents who would like to work on planning issues are welcome to join our team.