Hamilton’s West Harbour: Our waterfront is changing! Here’s what you can expect over the next year.

The City of Hamilton’s work in the West Harbour waterfront area is ramping up! Over the past year, you may have noticed some changes with the new boardwalk and docks by Williams and construction starting at the marina. You can expect to see even more changes in 2017.

Here are some of the things that our team will be working on during over the next year that you should know about:

Marina Reconstruction

What’s happening:

The Harbour West marina will be improved and expanded in 2017. Demolition of the old docks and boat slips began at the end of 2016 and will be finished in early 2017. The construction and installation of the new docks and 440 boat slips will be completed by May 2017. The new design will include: aluminum structure and rails, adjustable cleat system, composite decking, upgraded electrical services and water supply. The entire dock, including the washroom and laundry facilities, will be floating.

What to watch for in 2017:
Your access to the water’s edge won’t be impacted while construction is taking place. Since construction in the water within the basin in expected to be completed by May, the work will have a very minimal impact on summertime water recreation. After the new docks and boat slips are complete, the Hamilton Port Authority will study whether even more boat slips should be built.

Bayfront Park Beach 

What’s happening:
The beach at Bayfront Park was closed for the 2016 swimming season because of bacteria and toxins in the water that made the water unsafe. In September 2016, our team began a studying the water quality issues and looking for the best ways to fix the issues.

What to watch for in 2017:
Our team will continue to look into the best solution to solve the beach’s water quality issues. There will be more opportunities to provide us with your feedback about the possible solutions in early 2017. Our team expects to present recommendations to members of Council in mid-2017.

Pier 8 

What’s happening:
In 2016, our team planned out the process we will follow to sell the City’s lands on Pier 8. The opportunity will allow investors to create a new mid-rise community with up to 1,600 residential units and 13,000 sq. m. of space for shops, restaurants and other businesses. The strategy for the sale of the Pier 8 lands was approved by Council on November 9, 2016.

What to watch for in 2017:
The solicitation process to begin the sale of the Pier 8 lands will officially launch in early 2017 when the Request for Qualifications opens. In spring 2017, our team will make recommendations to Council about which criteria should be used to select 3-5 of the best proposals who will continue on to the second phase of negotiations. Pier 8 will be “shovel ready” for the successful developer to begin their work by 2018.

Pier 6 + 7 

What’s happening:
The Hamilton West Harbour Waterfront Recreation Master Plan envisions the main basin at Pier 6 + 7 as a gateway area to the waterfront and public meeting area. In 2016, the West Harbour Development Sub-Committee delegated the task of bringing this vision to reality to the Hamilton Waterfront Trust (HWT).

What to watch for in 2017:
With guidance from the Waterfront Development Office in Public Works, the HWT will begin the planning and design for Pier 6 + 7 in 2017. Opportunities for the public to see the proposed design and provide feedback will be available throughout 2017. Construction is expected to begin in 2018.

How to Get Involved

Our team will continue to host community meetings during 2017 so that you get information about what’s happening in your community and ask us questions. Visit the “Community Engagement” page on our website, HAMILTON.CA/WESTHARBOUR, to see our upcoming meeting dates. Be sure to join our mailing list so that we can send updates directly to your email address!

If you have questions about our team and what we’re working on, all of our contact information is on the “Contact Us” page on our website, HAMILTON.CA/WESTHARBOUR. If you’re not sure which team member will be able to best answer your question, contact Diedre Beintema by phone at 905-546-2424 ext. 3283 or by email at Diedre.beintema@hamilton.ca. We’re always happy to hear from you!