In the May edition of The North End Breezes, we featured an article by Brian Roulston on the Hamilton Glass Works.  They produced several lines of “druggist” bottles which were usually blown in green, amber and flint (clear or colorless) glass ranging from individual doses of 1 or 2 ounces up to 16 oz. The bottles could be oval, round, square or rectangular. The Burlington Street factory would run special molds with the name of the drugstore or apothecary.Sometimes the name of the drug or medicine was blown into the glass. Burlington Glass Works manufactured lamps of different colors as well. When plant workers at Hamilton Glass Co had idle time they would practice and demonstrate their skills by producing decorative objects such as witch balls, canes, paper weights and rolling pins, even today, these items are sought after items by collectors.

This article inspired one of our readers and an avid North End supporter to contribute his story. Ed Stewart writes:

“As a boy growing up in the 20’s and 30’s at 190 Wood Street East, a glass hat holding toothpicks would appear at Sunday dinners and special occasions.

I was to learn that it had been gifted to an Aunt in the 20’s by a D. McLaren that was employed by the HAMILTON glassworks. I wonder if Brian Roulston ever found an employee list in his research. It is a miracle that a little glass hat, probably blown by D. McLaren found its way into the Stewart family and became part of our history and traditions”.

Do you have story to tell, a memory to share? Perhaps you have one of these decorative objects in your home or perhaps you know D. McLaren whose work lives on and is part of our history. Let us know at