In an effort to include the diverse population of the North End, The Breezes often produced two issues. In August 1977, it was also published in Italian.
Messages from Eastwood Baptist Church, Picton Library, Centennial Public School and Bennetto Public School appeared in the North End Breezes. A 10-week sewing class at Bennetto for $10? Sign me up!

The Picton Library did join the North End neighbourhood at 502 James Street North, but closed its doors permanently back in 2009. There isn’t a library anymore in the North End, but the Hamilton Public Library Bookmobile does frequent the Bennetto Community Centre.

It was very common to have variety stores and services at almost every corner. Quite often, a homeowner would open a “store” in front of their home to sell produce, products or services that they had. The North End was no different. And competitive shopping was evident. If milk was $1.39 at Picton Variety, you could just go another block or so and get it for $1.23 at Ed’s. Everything from ice cream cones, to back to school clothes to freezer orders could be found in the neighbourhood.

From August 1977 ~ This one stumped me – anyone know where Elvia Plaza was located in the North End?

The North End has always been active in community engagement to advocate for the best results.  Enjoy the look back below!