What makes a street feel friendly for walking and riding a bike and how can we make it so? These are the questions a new initiative of Environment Hamilton in partnership with Cycle Hamilton is asking residents and stakeholders in some urban Hamilton neighbourhoods.

Friendly Streets Hamilton is a year-long pilot project that is exploring innovative ways to involve residents of all backgrounds, abilities and age groups in assessing current challenges and barriers to active transportation and re-imagining neighbourhood streets for people.

Friendly Streets has identified the area around the General Hospital on Barton as a starting point, to then radiate out into the neighbourhoods of Beasley, Keith, Gibson-Landsdale and the North End.

The project promotes transportation justice since targeted pilot neighbourhoods include residents who depend on active transportation to move around.

Friendly Streets is particularly interested in hearing from groups such as women, seniors, and young people, as these groups are routinely under-represented in the sustainable transportation conversation.

Please contact Beatrice or Elise at friendlystreetshamilton@gmail.com or call 905 549 0900 to get involved. https://friendlystreetshamilton.wordpress.com/