Well, I would just like to take this opportunity to let my North End Neighbours and Friends know that my last day as Administrated Assistant to the Ward 2 Councillor (Jason Farr) was November14. I put in 12 plus years in Ward 2, started with Bob Bratina, and then newly elected Councillor Farr who asked me to stay on in 2010. Now I am moving on, but it has been a pleasure and an honour speaking to many North Enders over the years. Many of you I already knew, as I have lived in the neighbourhood now for over 30 years. Whenever I went out in the neighbourhood whether it was at Our Corner, Fishers or St. Lawrence Turkey Roll I would be engaged with an issue from constituents. But I must say that I have met with so many amazing people over the years, I will miss all your calls, good and bad LOL. Engaging with many of you has kept me grounded, gave me a real perspective of many individuals needs and aspirations. I will truly miss the people I have engage with here (luckily will still see you in the hood). I grateful that I had the opportunity 13 years ago when Jennifer Cleary retired (had big shoes to fill) Bob hired me and then Jason kept me on. In my 46 years working in politics and working for politicians, in my opinion, I have been employed by some of the best that Hamilton has produced, and who have inspired me, John Munro, Sheila Copps, Shirley Collins, and now Jason Farr. In closing I would like to thank City Staff and Constituents for their support the past few weeks, it was very overwhelming. When I say that I am moving on I am still going to be working in the City, another Councillor met with me and ask me to work for him. So doing the basically the same job but a very different Ward.
In closing I would just like say THANK YOU to my daughter Taylor Scally for always being there, she grew up with me working in ward 2 she was 9 when I started now she is 21. She is the best. Thank to All the North Enders. See you around the Neighboughhood!!