By Jon Davey
Committee members met recently with the City of Hamilton’s Climate department to organize the Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) spring workshop. This follows the initial workshop last fall that many in the neighbourhood attended. The goal of the workshops is to mitigate green house gas emissions, identify climate vulnerabilities and generate plans and ideas for a more climate resilient neighbourhood. Stay tuned for the announced date and location.
Committee members also met with City’s Pier 8 Project Manager to discuss the removal of the trees on Guise St between John St and Catherine St. We were told that the property lines are such that the road needs to be moved slightly northward and that the trees needed to be removed to make way for that shift. There will be streetscape trees being added to the new street but, to our knowledge, nothing to replace the small forested area that existed there before. The City has ambitious goals of raising its tree canopy coverage from 17% to 35%, and so our committee will be reaching out to learn details of how its plan will increase North End tree canopy.
NENa meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the Bennetto Community Centre. Everyone is Welcome!
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