By Kit Darling

Who Can Vote? Canadian citizens over age 18 who are registered voters. (If you are not sure if you on the voters list, Check @ or call 1-800-463-6868 or you can register at the polls with proper ID.

What ID do I Need?   A driver’s licence or other government issued photo ID with name and address.

OR – a voter information card and 1 other piece of ID with your current address.

OR – declare your identity and address in writing and have someone who is a registered voter at the same polling station to vouch for you.

Where Do I Vote?

The location of your polling station and of the advance polls will be released after September 24 and after we have gone to press. They will be on you voter information card if you have registered to vote.

If you need a ride to the polling station, ask a neighbour or call your candidate’s election office and ask if they can provide transportation.

When Do I Vote?

Election day is:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Advance voting takes place on:

  • Friday, October 11, 2019
  • Saturday, October 12, 2019
  • Sunday, October 13, 2019
  • Monday, October 14, 2019

Why Should I Vote? Many would say that it is your duty as a citizen to participate in the democratic process by exercising your right to select your government. Others might say that my vote doesn’t count in the ‘first-past-the-post’ electoral process or “all political parties are the same so why bother?” Others might say that you need to vote strategically – vote for the party that you believe has the best chance of beating a party that most threatens the issues and services that matter most to you. So – read up on the issues. Check the party platforms and compare them. (www.macleans,ca/politics/2019-federal-election-platform-guide-where-the-parties-stand-on-everything/ ) Are they clear on both their promises and how they plan to achieve them? For example, if they say they will cut taxes – how will they replace lost revenue or will they cut services? Quite simply – think about the critical issues, and get out and VOTE.