by Pam Winter

As I say and always believe – never a dull moment. As our readers know I have been at Dundurn Place, my well looked after facility for Seniors and friends who need some looking after and care could not possibly be better! Hats off to all of the staff who go the extra mile.

I don’t know how you weathered the heat on Thursday, Megs and I decided to sit out in our lovely garden, even that was too warm so we thought we would go back to our 3 Rd floor for snacks, but not meant to be.  We were waiting for an elevator, and one of the staff got off, and “Thelma and Louise” got on with our walkers and our usual smiles.  To our chagrin – no bells or whistles –  we were stranded! Megs is diabetic and unfortunately no soft drinks or water in her bag – the elevator completely out of operations.  We did have a cell phone.  Fortunately, my daughter picked up in British Columbia, and she got in touch with Dundurn Palace.  Talk about around the world in 80 days or so it seemed.

We had our legs pulled and now have new names “Thelma and Louise”.  We had supper at Dundurn and once more laughed to tell the tale.  I wish you, our readers, could visualize the two of us being helped out by elevator men. It could only happen to us but as we say it could be a surprising end to our day.

So please remember; be prepared as the boy scouts say. Fortunately we could site upon our walkers “ouch” after almost an hour or so and don’t forget to take some beverage especially during this weather.

Our Welcome Inn said sad goodbyes to dear Mr. Allan Candy – a fine gentleman and how we used to enjoy those lovely summer picnics in Dundurn, Norma was such a wonderful hostess. You will be together and will be forever remembered – Happy Days.

So enjoy the season of fall and stay tuned to the Dynamic Duo, who don’t know that kids never grow up.