Happy New Year to all you wonderful loyal readers! We hope you received your wishes and dreams, enjoyed wonderful meals, and shared family memories.
Now as we sit back and relax in front of the fire we can look back and reflect on those memories. While shopping for some last-minute cards, I came across a beautiful one that I believe says is all and I would love to share it with you.
I BELIEVE (Author unknown)
” I still believe that generosity is its own reward. That kindness will prevail. That might does not make right. That a soft answer turns away wrath. I still believe that there is power in gentleness. That there is more to us than flesh and bone. That life will bring more happiness if lived for peace and not possessions. I still believe people of gentleness and faith can change the world, one unseen, unsung, unrewarded kindness at a time. I still believe in love and nothing in this world can make me stop.”
I ended up purchasing a half dozen cards to send to people in my life and hope they will share it too. This message can make someone’s day and enrich your own. Our wish for you and those you love is that you sail on smooth seas. Stay warm, stay healthy, and remember all those that you touch and those who touch your life. Till next time, smiles!
Pam & Megs
Editors note: This article was part of our archives but wisdom never fades or changes. Please send your good thoughts to Pam and join us in wishing her a speedy recovery.