Hamilton Harbour is home to a vibrant recreational boating scene, and an avid sailing and fishing community. The Port of Hamilton is one of the largest ports in Ontario, the busiest Canadian port on the Great Lakes, and is visited by over 650 vessels each year. This summer, Crime Stoppers of Hamilton, HOPA Ports’ Harbour Masters Office/Port Patrol team, and the Hamilton Police Marine Unit are forming a new partnership with the debut of Crime Stoppers “On the Water” to help keep all 200 square kilometres of Hamilton’s waterways safe for everyone who uses them.

This initiative will provide the public in and around Hamilton Harbour an opportunity to help keep waterfront safe by reporting tips anonymously. The partnership is committed to protecting the community, providing safety, and fighting crime on the water.

Common crimes that can be reported, but not limited to, include:

  • Illicit activities
  • Thefts
  • Vandalism
  • Break and Enters
  • Drugs
  • Habitual Watercraft Violations

Crimes that should not to be reported as TIPS, and should instead go to 911 are:

  • In progress criminal activity
  • Impaired driving

Remember, if YOU are the VICTIM of a crime you CANNOT be a tipster. Please contact 911 or emergency services instead.

How the partnership will work for the public and boating community:

If local residents, boaters, or visitors have information regarding illicit activities that have taken place on or around the water, or any other crimes, and wish to remain anonymous, they are welcome to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or visit www.crimestoppershamilton.com and Submit a Tip. Like the current structure of Crime Stoppers of Hamilton, the public is reminded that this platform is for tips only. If there is an emergency or crime on the water in progress, call 911.

The Marine Unit and HOPA Ports’ Harbour Masters Office/Port Patrol work to keep the waterways clear of criminal activity; however, with such a large area to patrol and protect, the public can be a valuable asset with information sharing. This partnership allows for more public involvement and the opportunity for the boating community to contribute to the safety of their peers. Crime Stoppers provides an avenue for the boating community to provide tips anonymously without the fear of reprisal or having to attend court. The offer of reward also diminishes apathy.

Signs will be posted throughout the boating and surrounding community, acting as a deterrent to potential criminals, while encouraging boaters and the public to contact Crime Stoppers with their tips. These tips are valuable and are cascaded to Law Enforcement, the Marine Unit and HOPA Ports.


“Today’s announcement is another way our organization can assist in keeping our community safe. It is critical that the public can provide tips anonymously with an opportunity for a financial reward. Expanding our services on the water in partnership with HOPA Ports’ Harbour Masters Office/Port Patrol, and Hamilton Police Services Marine Unit signifies a tremendous growth in our charitable organization. The tips generated by this service are essential to helping solve crimes taking place on and around the waterways in our community” – Carol Lazich, Chair of Crime Stoppers of Hamilton

“The Hamilton Police Marine Unit and the Hamilton Oshawa Port Authority have been partners for many years. Both agencies work together to promote safety and security in the Hamilton Harbour and surrounding area. Today’s announcement further strengthens our commitment to the City of Hamilton by providing another way to report crime in and around the waterways. This new partnership with Crime Stoppers of Hamilton will provide the marine community, both recreational and commercial, a resource to keep the waterways safe for all to enjoy.” – Fab Giuliani, Sergeant, Hamilton Police Service Marine Unit

“We take great pride in providing a safe and secure environment for the Port of Hamilton’s commercial shipping activity and vessel traffic. As stewards of the port, we also want Hamilton residents to feel safe and secure in their enjoyment of the waterfront. By aligning our efforts and being transparent with the public, we know residents and visitors will feel more at ease while engaging in recreational activities this summer. – Vicki Gruber, HOPA Ports Harbour Master and Manager of Port Security